If you are a Self-Builder, we can help you to take the guess-work out of your self-build project whether it be to build a new house, or carry out refurbishment and/or renovations to their existing dwelling, or to extend the space of your existing house.

As your quantity surveyor, we ensure costs are rigorously controlled from inception to completion to deliver projects on time and within budget and also provide our clients with improved cost certainty and a value-for-money project.

Our services to Self-Build Clients includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Construction cost estimates and budgets
  • Construction cost estimates for mortgage/loan approval
  • Advice on alternative construction methods and materials
  • Tender documents preparation – pricing document or bill of quantities, schedule of rates
  • Contractor selection and tender analysis
  • Negotiations with Contractor
  • Contract Documentation
  • Cost monitoring and control
  • Report on project costs – monthly cost reports
  • Dealing with contractors claims and disputes
  • Assessment & agreement of contractors interim payment applications
  • Dealing with interim and final payments
  • Advising on the cost implications of proposed variations
  • Valuing and agreeing variations ie. changes to the design and project
  • Agreement of project final cost with contractor
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